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Analysis of the Causes of Sexual Coldness in Males and Test of Testosterone Supplement

In recent years, more and more men have experienced sexual frigidity and low desire, which has brought certain troubles to their quality of life and interpersonal relationships. Regarding this question, many people tend to ask: What is the subject of male frigidity? This is a question worthy of in-depth exploration. This article will analyze in detail the causes of men's frigidity, solutions, and test results of testosterone supplements, aiming to provide readers with practical information to help them better understand and cope with this problem.

Frigidity in men is common for a number of reasons, one of the main reasons being hormonal changes. In men after middle age, testosterone levels gradually decline, which may lead to decreased libido and frigidity. In addition, psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, and depression may also negatively affect a man's sex drive. Factors such as living habits, dietary malnutrition, and chronic diseases may also lead to the occurrence of male frigidity.

So, what kind of subjects should men look for when they feel frigid? Generally speaking, male frigidity can be diagnosed and treated by a urologist or a specialist in sexual medicine. These doctors have rich professional knowledge and experience, and can carry out comprehensive assessment and treatment for individual cases.

A common approach in the treatment of male frigidity is testosterone supplementation. Testosterone is an important sex hormone in men, which can affect libido and sexual function. Therefore, testosterone supplementation becomes a widely used solution. However, before using testosterone supplements, you should first consult a professional doctor to ensure safety and applicability.

In recent years, many studies and trials have evaluated the effects of testosterone supplementation. The results of the study show that testosterone supplements can improve male libido and sexual function, and have a certain effect on improving sexual frigidity. However, each person's physical condition and needs are different, so individual differences should be fully considered before using testosterone supplements, and they must be used only as directed by your doctor.

What to do if my husband won't touch me:

Open communication with your husband is the key to solving the problem. Find an appropriate moment to talk about your feelings and try to understand his concerns and needs. Discuss each other's expectations and desires, and find common ground. Discuss preferences, rhythm, and frequency in your sex life to find a mutually satisfying balance. Encourage your husband to strengthen his lifestyle, such as maintaining an appropriate amount of exercise, a balanced diet, and healthy sleep habits, which can help increase libido and improve sexual frigidity. If the problem persists, it is recommended to seek the advice of a professional doctor together and conduct a comprehensive physical examination to determine whether there are other underlying physical or psychological reasons.

What if my husband doesn't touch me?

When you feel your husband doesn't touch you, try to be honest with him first. Express your feelings and ask him if he has any concerns or questions. Discuss your expectations and wishes together and find a balanced solution. Maybe he's going through stress or other life issues that may be affecting his libido. It is important to develop a mutually supportive and understanding relationship and to seek professional help if necessary, such as a sex therapist or marriage counselor.


Why doesn't my husband touch me?

There may be many reasons why your husband does not touch you. In addition to biological factors, he may be facing work stress, emotional distress, or other personal issues that can affect his libido and interests. In addition, factors such as lack of communication in the relationship between husband and wife, inconsistencies in sexual preferences, and fatigue in daily life may also cause him not to touch you. It is important to communicate openly, understand and respect each other's feelings, and work together to find a solution.

How does frigidity affect a relationship?

Sexual frigidity can have a negative impact on a relationship. Sex is an important part of a relationship, and when one partner feels sexually frigid, it can cause distress and resentment. This can lead to communication problems between the couple, increased emotional distance, and possibly even conflict and disharmony. The key to solving this problem is open communication and mutual support between couples. It is also a good idea to seek professional help to find a solution for your situation.

How to improve the sex life between husband and wife?

Improving the sex life of a couple starts with establishing open and honest communication. Share each other's wishes, wWw.poxet.tw needs and preferences and find mutual sexual pleasure. Create a romantic atmosphere and cultivate emotional connection, such as participating in romantic activities or regular dates together. Discover new pleasures

Can frigidity be treated?

Sexual frigidity is a complex issue that can vary based on individual circumstances. Treatment methods for frigidity include individual psychotherapy, couple therapy, and medical intervention. Psychotherapy can help explore underlying psychological causes and emotional problems. Couples sex therapy can help couples communicate and connect emotionally. Medical intervention may include medication or hormone therapy, but this needs to be done under the supervision of a professional doctor. Everyone is different, so treatment should be tailored individually.

What is the effect of frigidity on women?

Frigidity doesn't just affect men, it can also negatively affect women. Women may feel rejected, undesired, or have reduced self-worth. This can lead to increased emotional distance and even insecurity and dissatisfaction with one's body image. Women also need spaces of open communication and understanding to find solutions to problems together.

Is frigidity just a physiological problem?

Sexual frigidity may have a combination of physiological and psychological factors. Physical problems such as hormonal imbalances, health problems, or side effects of medications can cause a decreased libido. However, psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, or personal values may also affect the occurrence of frenzy. Comprehensive consideration of physiological and psychological factors is the key to solving sexual frigidity.

Should professional help be sought?

If the issue of frigidity persists and is having a significant impact on the relationship, it is wise to seek professional help. A sex therapist, marriage counselor or medical professional can provide helpful advice and guidance. They can assist with underlying physical or psychological issues and help couples reconnect and stimulate sexual desire. It is important to keep an open mind and seek professional help that is appropriate for your situation.

in conclusion:

Male frigidity is a complex problem that can be caused by a variety of factors. Changes in hormonal levels, psychological factors, and lifestyle can all affect a man's libido and sexual function. For this problem, you should seek the help of a professional doctor, and choose the appropriate treatment method under the guidance of the doctor. Testosterone supplements have certain effects in improving frigidity, but they should be used with caution to ensure safety and applicability. Most importantly, communication and understanding between husband and wife are the key to solving problems, and each other's needs and wishes should be respected and negotiated together.


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