必利勁 60mg 持久藥 早洩剋星 延緩射精時間 治療早洩 延時降敏


  • 貨號: poxet
  • 本店價格 台幣900元
  • 銷   量最近售出26980已有 0 人評價





產品名稱 : 必利勁 60mg 持久藥 早洩剋星 延緩射精時間 治療早洩 延時降敏



英文名稱 :POXET 60

中文名稱 :必利勁膜衣錠

生產藥廠 :sunrise 桑瑞製藥廠

必利勁哪裡買 :https://www.poxet.tw/goods.php?id=140

必利勁規格 :60mg/1顆 1版10顆 ; 10版一盒

必利勁成份 :達泊西汀 60mg Dapoxetine

必利勁作用 :持久用,治療18歲至64歲男性早洩(PE)患者,是目前獲得各國核準治療早洩專用藥品

必利勁時效 :服用後半衰期約19小時,大多數人約一天仍然有持久效果存在

服用的方法 :建議於性行為前約1-2小時服用最佳,每次服用30mg(半顆),視效果而增減劑量,每日最多僅能服用一次,最大劑量為60mg

特別再提醒 :醫學臨床實驗證明,必利勁需於性行為時方為有效

安全有效期 :24個月

相似藥品: 口服類沒有相似藥品,塗抹類則有"延時噴霧劑"

必利勁副作用 :少數患者副作用輕微,少數人會引致暈眩、頭痛、腹瀉、口淡、胃痛、冒汗、耳鳴、鼻塞、視力模糊和血壓上升等,副作用於數小時內消失,可多服用開水加速代謝減輕副作用 (持久藥哪裡買 Line: avseo99 )



2、必利勁禁止用於心臟有明顯病理狀況的患者【例如心力衰竭 (NYHA II-IV級),沒有用永久性起搏器治療的傳導異常(2級或3級的房室阻滯或病竇綜合征),明顯的心肌缺血和瓣膜疾病】



5、必利勁不能與選擇性5-羥色胺再攝取抑制劑 [選擇性5-羥色胺再攝取抑制劑(SSRI),5-羥色胺-去甲腎上腺素再攝取抑制劑(SNRI),三環類抗抑郁藥(TCA)]或其他具有5-羥色胺效應的藥品/草藥[例如L-色氨酸、曲普坦、曲馬多、利奈唑胺、鋰劑、貫葉連翹提取物(金絲桃)]共同使用,也不能在這些藥品/草藥停用後14天內服用。同樣地,在停用必利勁後7天內也不能服用這些藥品/草藥(參見藥物相互作用部分)。

6、必利勁禁用於同時服用酮康唑、伊曲康唑、利托納韋、沙奎那韋、泰利黴素、奈法唑酮、萘芬納韋、阿紮那韋等強細胞色素P450 3A4抑制劑的患者。



Brief description: Priligin POXET, long-lasting medication, is specially used for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Take half a tablet (30mg) about 1-2 hours before sexual activity. No fasting is required. It needs to be swallowed directly with water for absorption in the body. It can be used with Viagra and Cialis Or Leweizhuang and other erectile function drugs can be taken together to form a long-lasting dual effect of strengthening yang

English name: POXET 60

Chinese name: Billijin film-coated tablets

Production pharmaceutical factory: Sunrise Sunrise Pharmaceutical Factory

Where to buy Priligy

Specifications of Priligin: 60mg/1 tablet, 1 version of 10 tablets; 10 versions per box

Priligin Ingredients: Dapoxetine 60mg Dapoxetine

The role of Priligin: long-lasting use, treating premature ejaculation (PE) patients aged 18 to 64, is currently approved by various countries for the treatment of premature ejaculation special drugs

Priligy aging: the half-life is about 19 hours after taking it, and most people still have a lasting effect for about one day

How to take it: It is recommended to take it about 1-2 hours before sexual activity. Take 30mg (half tablet) each time, increase or decrease the dosage depending on the effect. You can only take it once a day at most, and the maximum dosage is 60mg.

Special reminder: Medical clinical experiments have proved that Priligy can only be effective during sexual behavior

Safe period of validity: 24 months

Similar medicines: There are no similar medicines for oral administration, but there are "delay sprays" for smearing medicines

Side effects of Priligin: a small number of patients have mild side effects, and a small number of people will cause dizziness, headache, diarrhea, light mouth, stomach pain, sweating, tinnitus, nasal congestion, blurred vision and increased blood pressure, etc. The side effects disappear within a few hours, and you can take more Boiling water accelerates metabolism and reduces side effects (where to buy long-lasting medicines Line: avseo99 )

Contraindications for Priligy

1. Priligy is prohibited for patients who are known to be allergic to dapoxetine hydrochloride or any excipients.

2. Priligy is contraindicated for patients with obvious pathological conditions of the heart [such as heart failure (NYHA class II-IV), conduction abnormalities without permanent pacemaker treatment (grade 2 or 3 atrioventricular block or sick sinus syndrome), overt myocardial ischemia and valvular disease]

3. Priligy can neither be used together with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), nor can it be used within 14 days after www.poxet.net the treatment of monoamine oxidase inhibitors is stopped. Likewise, monoamine oxidase inhibitors should not be used within 7 days of discontinuing Priligine (see Drug Interactions section).

4. Priligy can neither be used together with thioridazine, nor can it be used within 14 days after cessation of thioridazine treatment. Likewise, thioridazine should not be taken within 7 days of discontinuing Priligine (see Drug Interactions section).

5. Priligy cannot be combined with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI), tricyclic anti Depressants (TCA)] or other drugs/herbals with serotonin effects [eg L-tryptophan, triptan, tramadol, linezolid, lithium, Hypericum perforatum extract (Hypericum perforatum)] Co-use, nor within 14 days of stopping these medicines/herbal medicines. Likewise, these medicines/herbs should not be taken within 7 days of stopping Priligine (see Drug Interactions section).

6. It is contraindicated to take ketoconazole, itraconazole, ritonavir, saquinavir, telithromycin, nefazodone, nalfinavir, atazanavir and other strong cytochromes at the same time Patients with P450 3A4 inhibitors.

7. Priligy is forbidden to be used in patients with moderate and severe liver damage.

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